Newsletter – December 2021


December 2021


Watch the latest video from Hoosier Action

Annual Meeting

Hoosier Action members joined together from across the state to celebrate the official induction of Chapters from Bartholomew County, Jackson County, Morgan County, Ohio River Valley region and the Greater Indiana Membership. The ceremony included sharing of vision statements and a formal call and response vote lead by Hoosier Action Board President Kate Goldstein.

After a time of gathering and reconnecting with one another during lunch, members discussed the impact of Covid and made meaning over the past year where “business as usual” did not exist. For many members, this time of reflection and connection was particularly meaningful.

Members were introduced to the upcoming legislative session and our vision for building power and winning change in 2022. Surveys on electoral work were handed out as well as a reminder to attend the final legislative training session for this year on Thursday, Dec. 16th from 6:30pm-8pm.

Hoosier Action members will be visiting the Statehouse every Tuesday throughout the legislative session. With a press conference scheduled for January 13th to launch our agenda, members will continue to meet with legislators to prioritize housing, care (healthcare, esp. Medicaid) and childcare), environment and overdose prevention and recovery.

Founding Hoosier Action Chapters’ Vision Statements:

Ohio River Valley Chapter Vision Statement:

We, the Ohio River Valley, envision a state where ALL Hoosiers, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, or life choices, have the opportunity to thrive.

We will do this as a chapter by building power with statewide partners, hosting conversations with community members about what they want, training our members to make change at the federal, state and local level, and being a voice for ourselves and a vehicle for change for everyday Hoosiers.

In 5 years, we want to be a strong, sustainable chapter with over 100 active members who are known for building deep relationships with each other, doing the work with excitement and joy, and getting things done!

We are the ones who will build towards a better, more beautiful and free Indiana!

Morgan County Chapter Vision Statement:

We came together around a concern for the health of our community and the effects environmental contamination of our water, ground, and air were having on the health of our citizens. We know that together we can clean up our ground and water, push for a stronger and more accountable IDEM, and be a creative force to improve our community. We also know that we can work most effectively if we join together with people in Morgan County and across the state to share our efforts and experience. We want to build an organization reflecting the diversity of our community, including people of all incomes and colors, young and old, aligned in those efforts. In the next five years we want to build an organization led by working class people, promoting transparency and accountability  in government, and working for the health, well-being, and advancement of all. Our chapter commits to organizing ourselves and each other around this vision for our community.

Jackson County Chapter Vision Statement:

We are the delegation representing the Jackson County Chapter of Hoosier Action.

We love Jackson Co & its people. We came together with the shared belief that when everyday ppl come together, we have the power to change our communities for the better. 

We want to lead statewide on addressing the overdose crisis, which has deeply affected our community. 

We want to invite everyday ppl, grow our leadership, build power and make change.

In 5 years, we want to be a known entity in Jackson Co. A place people go to for community, hope & action. We want our chapter to be a place where ppl join to get things done, whether they want a stop sign on the street, or want to address other issues in the community. We also want to be a force to reckon with in the Indiana legislative session–where our elected officials feel accountable to us and we have enough power to get bills and move them, and win major harm reduction policies.

Bartholomew County Chapter Vision Statement:

We envision an Indiana where all Hoosiers (no matter our background, zip code, or color of our skin) can live lives of dignity and prosperity, and where we all have a home that is safe, stable, and truly affordable. 

We are building a chapter of leaders, bringing everyday Hoosiers together across race & class, and working with fellow chapters to build statewide power. We are committed to bringing more people into public leadership and building a home for all of us.

As a team, we commit to calling each other to our highest, bravest selves, to always putting one foot in front of the other, and being strategically nimble while holding firm to our core values and vision. 

In five years, we envision our chapter leading the statewide fight on housing, with over 100 members engaged and taking action, and we have won local & state housing campaigns and are training others how to organize and win!

Moms of Hoosier Action Chapter Vision Statement:

We envision a powerful multi-racial, multi-class chapter of moms across the state uplifted and united to make a change.

We are creating and building a culture where moms make the decision to choose and build power for themselves and break the status quo of moms suffering in silence and isolation. By demanding we have a state where all moms,  no matter the color of their skin or where they come from, can decide to start a family knowing they will be treated with respectful care, can have safe and healthy pregnancies, and can be confident they will get what they need to thrive. 

In the next 5 years, we want to triple the number of counties the moms chapter represents, including 2 satellite chapters that meet in person and tackle local issues. We will train moms across the state to step into leadership and lead their local communities. We will win universal childcare from 0-3, paid family and medical leave, and will protect the health of moms and families by protecting and expanding medicaid. 

Greater Indiana Membership Vision Statement:

We envision a future where more Hoosiers than ever are moved out of isolation, passivity, and apathy into community, agency, and public power. We are committed to building the container for the widest possible membership base in Indiana, recognizing that for many it may mean mobilization occasionally throughout the year and for some more consistently, deeply engaged leadership on a committee or project.

In five years, we envision Hoosier Action’s Greater Indiana Membership as the means of mobilizing the largest group of everyday Hoosiers up and down all 92 counties of Indiana. We want to become an incubator for new chapters. We are committed to fostering new ways of communicating, deep relationship building, and coordinated action with one another across geography. To achieve these goals, we will build opportunities for the Greater Indiana Membership to train, learn, and collaborate with one another and other chapters across the state.

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday, December 15th

6:30pm – 8:00pm (ET) Action Party: Membership (Organized Money)
Power is organized people PLUS organized money. Join us as we train on building power through organized money, more specifically, membership dues and why it matters. Then we’ll get to apply that knowledge directly by inviting others to join us in becoming sustaining members of Hoosier Action.

Thursday, December 16th

6:30pm – 8:00pm (ET)  Legislative Session Training
Join Hoosier Action leaders from across the state to get oriented and onboarded to our work in the 2021 Legislative Session in Indiana! At this Training we will have two breakout rooms: in one room we’ll hold a legislative session 101 training for those totally new to the state legislature; in the other room, we’ll hold a training on advocacy and strategy at the Statehouse for those with previous experience or training on the legislative session. Join us to learn what’s been happening at the statehouse, how to take meaningful action together, and how to strategize to build power and win real victories.

Thursday, January 13th

11:00am – 3:00pm (ET) 2022 Legislative Agenda Launch @ the Statehouse
Press conference and launch of Hoosier Action’s legislative agenda.

Tuesdays in ‘22 at the Statehouse
Every Tuesday from January 4 – March 8, join an Organizer-led gathering at the Statehouse to meet with legislators and amplify people power.

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